Pelasgian Creation Myth (Yet Another Creation Story)

While the Theogony has been dated to the seventh century BCE, there’s an even earlier version of the creation myth.
Eurynome emerging from Chaos
When Eurynome, the Goddess of All Things, the Creator, the Ruler and Mother of all things emerged from Chaos (and yes no matter the version, Chaos is a constant), she didn’t have a solid place to set her foot on because the sky and sea were one entity. So she separated the sea and sky and started dancing naked on the waves. If the lady was powerful enough to separate the sea and the sky then why she didn’t conjure clothes for herself I don’t understand. Maybe she thought there was no one around to see her. But moving on she continued dancing and as time went by she started feeling cold, so she started dancing faster, why she still didn’t create clothes for herself instead of dancing is beyond me. She was dancing so fast that a wind started to form around her. She was fascinated by the new element and rubbed it between her hands, and created a serpent.
Ophion and Eurynome's Union (so romantic..... not)
This serpent was Ophion, and as he watched Eurynome dancing (who was still naked even though she had company), he was filled with lust (not blaming him for that one). He wrapped himself around the Goddess seven times and made love to her while she was dancing. Seriously lady, it was high time you stopped dancing and conjured some clothes for yourself.
eurynome4         ophion and egg
Eurynome transforming into a dove and Ophion wrapped around an egg
After she was impregnated by Ophion, she stopped dancing, finally and transformed into a dove. So the lady can change into a bird but can’t make clothes for herself, go figure. As a dove she laid the Cosmic Egg. She told Ophion to wrap around the Egg seven times.
This one picture sums up the story so far
This Egg hatched and brought forth everything in the cosmos. Then Eurynome finally tired from all the dancing ascended to Mount Olympus, and Ophion followed her and started living with her as her consort. Yeah at this point I have pretty much given up trying to understand the whole mother-son thing. But soon Ophion’s issues started surfacing. He claimed he was the sole creator of the Universe (typical male ego). This enraged Eurynome, who wasn’t as air headed as she first appeared, and she kicked Ophion so hard all his teeth broke (you go girl) and then she kicked him out of heaven (good riddance). Ladies let this be a lesson to you, don’t be afraid to be badass.
Anyways Eurynome also created seven planets and put Titans on each of them to rule. Theia and Hyperion got the Sun and the power of Illumination; Phoebe and Atlas got the Moon and the power of Enchantment; Dione and Crius were given the planet Mars and the power of Growth; Metis and Coeus got the planet Mercury and the power of Wisdom; Themis and Eurymedon were given the planet Jupiter and the power of Law; Tethys and Oceanus got the planet Venus and the power of Love; and Rhea and Kronos took the planet Saturn and the power of Peace.
The first man according to this story was Pelasgus who sprang from the soil of Arcadia. He was the leader of men and he taught them to eat acorns (why not chicken?), make small huts, and wear crude garments.
Soon, the Titans rebelled and Kronos and Rhea fought and took over the control of the universe and they were obviously followed by Zeus and Hera who retained it.
This Myth is called the Pelasgian Myth and is the last version of the Greek creation myths.


  1. Greek or Pelasgian. They were twu different race, and Pelasgians are known as theachers of Greeks


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