Aftermath of the Titan War

After Kronos died (read: was murdered), Zeus built a monument at Parnassus as a sign of his triumph over the Titan King. The Stone Kronos was fooled into swallowing was set down at Pytho, under the glens of Parnassus to be a sign for mortal men. This was called the Omphalus (Literally the Navel), the center of the earth.
Then he like the good brother that he was shared the rule of the world with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Why they didn’t think to include the sisters?? I don’t know. Maybe they didn’t have feminism back then. Anyways Poseidon became the lord of the Seas, and Hades got the rule of the Underworld. Some accounts state that the gods drew straws to decide who would rule what and Hades drew the shortest straw and got the rule of the Underworld (that dude seriously had rotten luck). But I personally believe that they may have played stone, paper, scissors to decide who would be the ruler of the earth. Whatever the method, it seems to be a rite of passage among the immortals to kill their fathers to rule the world.
division of the world
From left to right: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades
However, his rule didn’t go as smoothly as he had thought it would go. When Gaea returned from her vacation after a few years (in godly terms), she was incensed at the downfall of her kids, especially her favorite son Kronos. So she decided she needed revenge against the gods. And it clearly didn’t matter that they were her grandchildren too.
So she put her plan into motion and had another child with Tartarus. Now if you don’t remember who Tartarus is, let me refresh your memory. Tartarus is the personification of the depths of Underworld, and he had also emerged from Gaea at the same time as Uranus (Sky) and Pontus (Sterile Water). Seriously what is with this lady and her sons? Like this is so not the typical mother-son relationship. Now when initially I thought maybe Uranus was the one with issues, turns out maybe it was Gaea all along.
So anyways Gaea and Tartarus had a son, Typhoeus or Typhoon. He was terrible, and was so enormously powerful that all the Olympians fled to Egypt at the mere sight of him and camouflaged themselves as animals. Seriously if the ruler of the universe and his council of all powerful beings are such cowards then what hope do the rest of us mere mortals have?
Typhon - Can't blame the Gods for running away
Apparently Athena, the goddess of wisdom had the same thought, but she being wise, accused Zeus of cowardice. Now Zeus was a lot of things, and egoistical was definitely one of those. So with his wounded ego he challenged Typhoon. Zeus attacked with lightning and thunder and armed with a sickle he chased Typhoon to Mount Casion which rises over Syria. When Zeus saw Typhoon was wounded he became overconfident and careless and as he was about to deliver the killing blow, Typhoon wrapped Zeus in his coils and wrested the sickle from him. He cut the tendons of Zeus’ hands and feet and carried him to the Corycian Cave on the slopes of Mount Parnassus and kept him in a cave. He appointed his sister Delphyn, a she dragon, who was half beast and half-maiden to guard Zeus.
Delphyn - The She-Dragon
Let this be a lesson to y’all, just because you think you have won doesn’t mean your enemy thinks they have lost and a hurt ego and over-inflated confidence are not tools to win a war with .
Anyways as Zeus lay there helpless, his son Hermes, and the satyr-god Aigipan came to the rescue. Hermes being the god of thieves was able to sneak in, and heal Zeus. When Zeus recovered his strength he descended from the heavens in a chariot drawn by horses (Zeus had a flair for dramatics), and hurling thunderbolts (pretty obvious that), he chased Typhoon to the island of Sicily where he threw the Mount Etna over him and pinned him underneath.
Zeus vs. Typhoon
